Our vision

Our tooling is designed to provide festival organizers with real-time insights into crowd dynamics, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that enhance the safety, enjoyment, and overall success of your event. With our advanced technology, analytics and easy-to-use dashboard, you can effortlessly monitor crowd density and incident probability, ensuring a seamless and secure festival environment. After knowing what is happening at your festival, you want to do something about it as well when it’s needed. Based on our algorithm you influence the suggestions your visitors see in our plug-in.

We don’t forget the visitors at the festival. We’re dedicated to making your time at festivals more memorable and convenient than ever before. Our user-friendly app will provide you personal suggestions, real-time updates, and navigation assistance throughout the event. Say goodbye to wandering aimlessly through the festival grounds; our app will guide you to the stages, food vendors, and attractions you’ll love the most. Plus, based on the underlying algorithms we can help you to find the easiest route, or that quiet place to regenerate for the rest of your day.